I've discovered that find it easier to frame things when I can really cut down on the clutter. With my other lens, the 20mm (40mm equivalent), I see such a huge field of vision that I struggle to create something interesting outdoors - there's just too much! At 90mm I can cut out things so easily, even if I'm shooting something as big a volcano.
Here are the best 11 photos I made during the trip. 11? No, I'm not feeling prime or palindromic, it's just that there were 11 that seemed worthy; the ones where I had an idea in my head when I took the shot, and that worked once I saw it on the computer at home. Sometimes I had it immediately and those were essentially snapshots, and with others I had to take 20 tries to get it. Seeing as I filled an 8-gig card and put a good dent in a second, I clearly wasn't stingy with the number of shots.
Okay here are my criteria:
--Technical quality - sharpess, focus, exposure, depth of field
--Good composition - framing, balance, etc (unless I specifically intended to break a rule)
--The technique and the subject jive with each other
--That je ne sais quoi. They are the ones that I want to look at.
FURTHERMORE, I'm making it an ascending list of quality, but counting down. In other words #11 is the one that was most flawed, #1 is where I think I kicked the most booty.
#11 Cloud Volcano
ISO 200 45mm F/9.0 1/500 sec |
The good: I like how it was framed with the trees below and the roof above, and the clouds make a second frame around the caldera. It's nice and sharp, as I focused 1/3 into the scene and used a small aperture.
The bad: It's a bit drab and lifeless, and if I have to tell you something is a volcano, I've already failed.
#10 Solo Parrot
ISO 200 F./5.6 200mm 1/640 sec |
The good: It's an unusual view of a parrot, giving a rather cold and brooding sense. His color provides enough contrast, despite the lack of fill light (it was too far for my flash).
The bad: Ouch - balance. I though about faking in a crescent moon on the top right. Even a mosquito. It's a notable flaw and pretty darn hard to correct when you are taking snapshots of nature. Also not great sharpness.
#9 Butterfly Money Shot
ISO 400 171mm F/5.4 1/250 sec |
Before you get carried away about the serendipitous arrival of two different mariposa species, this was a butterfly garden in Monteverde. However, it was a fabulous place and possibly the coolest thing we did on the whole trip.
The good: 2 butterflies. 2 species. 1 picture. It's technically good and about all you would want for a documentary shot. It very simply shows the context of the subject - that there is diversity and abundance.
The bad: Somehow just a bit bland. I know, live butterflies don't stand still so you can't really pose them, but if I had an hour I'd have found a more interesting background to really make them pop. The depth of field is a tad too short as the right one is out of focus.
#8 Big Wall, Small Gal
ISO 200 20mm F/2.5 1/80 sec |
Good: Great color, texture and lighting. Can't beat that smile, either. I framed this to make her look small and that is exactly the impression you get.
Bad: Balance gets me again. This is shouting for something other than a bit of shade in the top-left, such as a little lamp or clock. It almost looks like an ominous cloud is coming in, which is rather incongruous.
#7 Pulped Coffee Beans
ISO 200 20mm F/1.7 1/40 sec |
Grabbed the camera in pocket-sized mode (20mm only) for a tour of a coffee plantation. Wonderful time and I could go on and on, but here's one of the better shots I got. These are fresh-picked coffee fruit that went through a hand press to separate the beans from the pulp.
Good: I love the color, and you can see how sticky they are. The textures, color and shininess convey just want I wanted, especially with this close crop. Notably I pulled back the highlights as much as I could without reducing exposure, as there's a lot of shiny.
Bad: Nothing is wrong with this, but I know I could have gotten something better, especially with the big, bumpy wheel of the press on the top. I only took two shots and I wish I'd paused longer to get more chances. I would also have liked a smaller aperture, as I could easily have shot at 1/8 sec and gotten very close.
#6 Bird Butts
ISO 200 200mm F/5.6 1/60 sec |
Good: There's humor - the booty line in the front. There's a subject - the one bird looking right at me, framed right in a rule-of-thirds intersection. There's action - the one bird is landing. The mood and tone are just right, and technically the image is solid. The splash of red watermelon is a nice touch.
Bad: Green on green on green. That's rainforest photography. Against some blue sky, or even eating something a bit more contrasty. With all the action there should be much more pop. When I checked this a a black-and-white image all the detail was lost, showing just how little dynamic range there is.
#5 Long Road for a Small Ant
ISO 400 200mm F/5.6 1/500 sec |
Good: The feeling is right - the struggle of one ant carrying something many times his mass, and how often can you get below and ant? The focus is right on him and there's no clutter, so this one is a keeper.
Bad: Not very sharp, even after a bit of improvement in Lightroom. The ant should pop more, too. The purely horizontal plane of the bamboo would have been improved if I could have it sloping to the top right, just a little, as it would give a Sisyphean sense (poor dude).
#4 Beach Monkey
ISO 200 120mm F/5.0 1/250 sec |
Two weeks of travel and the best monkey photo I took was on the day before we flew out. Here again in Manuel Antonio, right by the beach. The squirrel monkeys were zipping all over the tree, but this gal paused long enough for me to compose a shot.
The good: She's gazing off like a ship's captain, and there was enough light to see her features. There's tension in her pose, but it doesn't seem I interrupted anything despite my proximity. Pretty sharp, though I had to post process a good deal.
The bad: My kingdom for a flash. I post-processed a lot and did my best to make it look natural, but this was too back lit, and the sky is just a bit blown out. Not an ideal framing as the leaves are just a bit distracting.
#3 Post-Roast Coffee
ISO 200 20mm F/1.7 1/10 sec |
Good: Really neat abstract image. I appreciate it knowing what it is, but I can take a step back and enjoy the smoke-like patterns. Just cool and there are no technical issues.
Bad: Wish I'd stood over it a bit more so that I could crop out the edge of the tub and possibly the center. Note to self - frame more ways so that you have more options when you get home.
#2 Praying Before Lunch
ISO 400 200mm F/5.6 1/500 sec |
Good: Great subject. Great color. Good sharpness and framing. The background is sufficiently dark that the mantis stands out, even the antennae, and the yellow/orange contrasts nicely.
Bad: Oh to have a macro lens, as this guy was standing nice and still for me (you can Paypal me $800 if you are sympathetic). The plant and flowers didn't quite cooperate for my frame, and of course I didn't consider this until I got home. Wish I'd had time to wait for him to pounce, as that would have made for a much more engaging story for the image to tell.
#1 Lizard on the Steps
ISO 200 200mm F/5.6 1/100 sec |
Good: Tack sharp and very well exposed. Despite being at F/5.6 there's a shallow DOF and his face is right at the focal point. The brown, red and green make a frame within the frame, making this more interesting while not taking too much away from the subject.
Bad: A bit drab, though if it were less overcast I'd have lost texture. An open mouth or some other action would add an element of story to what is a pretty static pose.
Hi Alex! How awesome that you got to go to Costa Rica. Looks like you saw some cool sights, too. I agree with almost all your pros and cons about your photos, with a couple of exceptions. My two favorites are Leah in front of the wall and the cooling roasted coffee beans. Of course, that's pretty boring of me to choose the two almost black and white ones from your trip to such a colorful country. Anyway, the things I disagree about then are the "lack of balance" in the photo of Leah... I think the fade-to-black in the top left takes care of the balance. And then I like that you have the center/motor in the cooling coffee bean photo. And I don't care that the edge of the vat is in the frame. Maybe I even like that it's there. My third favorite is the lizard. And my fourth is probably the pulped coffee berries, though I agree that something like getting a bit lower down and putting more of the press/wheel in the photo might have improved it. Well done!
Well thanks, Sam!
Just got a new portrait lens for xmas, so I'll try to use that to keep my blogging momentum (I've already taken at least a 100 pics since I got it)
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