Friday, August 05, 2011

Bikes on the square

Leah and I head up to the Farmer's Market each Saturday AM, but one morning we took a stroll down MLK boulevard to do a little sight seeing. While Leah gazed with awe at a firetruck, I took a few shots of a line of red, rental bikes.

First off, here's the full-color jpeg that I started with:

ISO 200  20mm  f/3.2  1/320sec

Cropping. A bit of lighting adjustment. Switch to monochrome - I think this is a much more interesting image. At first it was the color that caught my eye, but it's the pattern that's most interesting. I wish I could have take 10 more like this, really isolating the wheel.

Bikes off the Capital Square


1 comment:

Samantha said...

That's a cool effect, of the wheels heading out the corner of the photo into infinity, in the B&W shot. I like the first shot too, though (the red is nice, and the frame isn't bad).